Sunday, November 15, 2009

2012? Seriously?

Okay, so personally, I'm annoyed with hearing about the "world ending" in 2012 just because the Mayan calender runs out December 21, 2012. Who says they know when the entire world is going to end? They should have made a longer calender! My cellphone calender goes to 2020. Ha ha. Also, Who the hell said it was going to end in 2000 ? Obviously they were WRONG. I don't know about you, but I personally do not believe that someone honestly predicted when the world is going to "end". What's gonna' happen anyways? I did some research and read that numerous things could happen such as: ice age, the sun becoming so big it literally burns off the planet earth, the sun will shrink, not being able to adequately take care of earth and so on. I can see some of this stuff happening in the future and I mean millions of years from now, that's what scientists have said. As far as any of this crap happening in 2012? Who has proof, I would love to know. I just can't find any proper scientific proof to honestly predict the earth "ending" in 2012. Now a movie of 2012?! I think Hollywood is starting to get into people's heads too much. I don't know, whatever, guess we'll have to see what happens.

"This mass[earth] that rotates around the star will exist until consumed in a massive supernova 5 billion years from now. Human kind will spring board off before then and 2012 will just be a date of some obscure reference like the date that Napoleon ate a cheese cake."-Anonymous