Sunday, September 20, 2009

F 451

This was my weekend to work at Normandie. I am required to work every other weekend, and since I work 3rd shift, I always bring homework because there is never anything to do until 5 am med pass. So anyway, I decided to bring Fahrenheit 451 along. I got a cup of coffee and tried to get comfortable in the office chair to start my reading The Hearth and the Salamander. I'm not too sure about you guys, but it take a little bit of patience for me to actually get into a book. I love reading, but some books, I find myself re-reading and saying "what"? after like 2 pages. So what I got from reading the beginning of the book is there is a fireman, Montag, but he isn't a fire rescue man, his job is to burn books. What was even worse, he had to burn books while people were inside their own homes! This I thought was weird. Why are they banning peoples' books? I think that's wrong. I guess I need to read more to see why exactly this book is banned.