Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sieve and the Sand !

Before I started my reading, I was really curious what the heck Sieve and the Sand meant? What exactly is the relevance to the book? I guess I'll find that out in class. I find it really sad that Millie is still pushing poor Guy away. :( Anyway, Guy goes back into time and meets Faber, and Faber is kind of like a guide for Guy. Once again we get another new device that kind of reminds Guy of the seashell. It's also really interesting to me that Guy (the fireman) gets out a book for Millie and her friends? I don't know but I think I need to re-read some parts, some things just aren't clear to me yet.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Pink birdies I absolutely love :-) It was common to see them where I lived in South Florida, but in York, PA? Yes, seriously! As I was driving to my boyfriend's house today I couldn't help but notice the flock of plastic lawn flamingos taking up his front yard! I thought it was really cool because one of his mom's friend's does that as some type of charity work. I looked online and people also do that for different occasions and surprises, check it out!

(pictures of Flamingo's I took at the D.C. Zoo this past summer)

Med Training

Today I had to go into work 8-4, which isn't bad considering my normal shift is 11-7. I had to go to work today because we had to do more med training. Medicine training, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, is basically a class dedicated to informing PCA's about our med passes we do PRN (every shift). So anyway, it was super boring. I am finally home and I am sick and tired of hearing about how much Oxycontin to give this resident and how much penicillin to give this resident. It's really helpful information though to give care, I just wish it wasn't so cut and dry. The upside, there was free candy :-) I'm back there tomorrow 8-4 then 6-11. It's going to be a longg day :-)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

York Fair!

Yes, believe it I went to the fair for the first time this year. I have been living up here for close to seven years now and I had never gone to the fair. In Florida, I always went to the South Florida fair and it was a huge deal, we got off school for two days! So I guess I got too stubborn and wouldn't wanna see anything less than amazing. I know a lot of people that complain about how boring the York Fair is, but it wasn't that bad. (let's not forget it was my first time!) On student night I went with my Boyfriend, Jared, Adam, Kayte, Tori, Ethan and Leanna. It was pretty fun because I saw so many people there I knew! I really liked watching the sarcastic clown make fun of people when they walked by. Although I had to leave early Tuesday night to pick up my Daddy at BWI. I went back tonight with my Boyfriend and Kayte and Adam. It wasn't as crowded this time, so that was nice, I hate crowds! We played a couple games of "I got it!"..which I had never played before but my first game I won! Then Jared bought me cotton candy and we got these huge cookies! We also ate food at this one stand, which I don't remember the name, had good food. So anyway, my experience at the York Fair was pretty cool. We had to leave early again though, Jared and I had to watch our show, Tool Academy!(Plus, I was freezing!) It's a funny show you should watch it.

"Procrastination is the art of keeping up...with yesterday"

So I have this synthesis paper that I am suppose to have finished by tomorrow at 3:30 for Sociology. Even though I have had since last Monday to get it done, I have only gathered information and started a thesis statement. The rest should just flow easily right? Wrong. I haven't felt like doing it since I worked all weekend, and I'm using that as an excuse right now. The honest truth is I'll probably be up 'til about 2 am finishing this paper. I may procrastinate, but I can at least finish things before the deadlines. I just thought I'd confess my bad habit to the bloggers. :)

F 451

This was my weekend to work at Normandie. I am required to work every other weekend, and since I work 3rd shift, I always bring homework because there is never anything to do until 5 am med pass. So anyway, I decided to bring Fahrenheit 451 along. I got a cup of coffee and tried to get comfortable in the office chair to start my reading The Hearth and the Salamander. I'm not too sure about you guys, but it take a little bit of patience for me to actually get into a book. I love reading, but some books, I find myself re-reading and saying "what"? after like 2 pages. So what I got from reading the beginning of the book is there is a fireman, Montag, but he isn't a fire rescue man, his job is to burn books. What was even worse, he had to burn books while people were inside their own homes! This I thought was weird. Why are they banning peoples' books? I think that's wrong. I guess I need to read more to see why exactly this book is banned.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

BOSS MAN say who?

I am talking about Miami's finest, six-foot, 300 pound, tattooed, boss man, Ricky Ross! Many know him for his drug trafficking, and many know him for keeping up his reputation in Miami-Dade county with his rap songs such as "Hustlin' ". Ricky Ross, whose real name is William Ross was born and raised in Carol City, FL. For those of you who don't know, Carol City is an impoverished town north of Miami. Ricky began rapping during the '80s-'90s, along with running the largest crack and cocaine distribution through the country. This distribution was most known as, "Freeway". He has then retired from drug trafficking but has still been bringing the beats. Slip-N-Slide records who Trina B and Trick Daddy belong to, is also Ricky Ross' record label. Rick Ross is my one of my favorite rappers and I love reading his history.

It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrr.

I'm not talking about Christmas, I'm talking about SHARK WEEK. Shark Week has always been the best time of the year. I have a little bit of an obsession with sharkies! Every year between the end of July and beginning of August Discovery Channel dedicates a full seven days to Sharks! Myth Busters, Dirty Jobs, and many other shows on Discovery all have a special episode dealing with sharks. This is very interesting to me, as I have grown up with a love for sharks. When I was little I use to go to Red Reef beach in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and walk into the shallow waters and let the nurse sharks
nibble on my toes. I fell in love! Shark's are one of the coolest ocean animals there is, they are so complex like you wouldn't believe! There's a misconception that shark's are mindless killing machines, but they are so smart. A few years ago, in La Jolla, California, my oldest brother who lives there, Jason, took me on a scuba diving tour through the waters off the coast of San Diego. It was amazing to see the Tiger and Hammer head sharks swim above you. They didn't bother me for a second. My life goal is to be in a shark cage with a Great White! That would be amazing.

First picture is me and my best friend in Universal Studio's Orlando!
Second Picture is me in Bruce's mouth (Shark from Finding Nemo) at Epcot in Disney this past winter.

Writing from the darkness

I feel a real connection with the author. Throughout my life, I have always had a love-hate relation ship with reading and writing. I could relate to her in numerous ways. It's a big step to come out of your shell and not feel so locked up inside. Writing was sort of like her outlet, a place to get away from everything. "Humiliation in the face of aspects of the self we think are unsound, inappropriate, ugly or downright nasty blocks one's ability to see the possibility for transformation that such a facing of one's reality promises". I really liked this part of the reading, she can't fool herself. Reality has to be faced in order for her to transform as a writer.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hero's don't have to wear capes...

This guy just may be my number one hero. He has been with me my entire life. He has never let me down. He has always taught me to learn from my mistakes. He is my Daddy! Jerry F. Kennedy. I've been sitting on the computer now for about forty-five minutes. I've been thinking, what should I write about? I have been trying to write about other topics, but I'm just having one of those days where I don't know what exactly to write about. So I figured what would be better than writing about my hero? Everyone has one. Role models, hero, it's all the same. Anyway, my Hero is my Dad. Not only because he is my Dad, but he is the main man I can talk to about anything! Even if he has to listen to me talk about gossip, girls, and all that good stuff, (which he is still foregin to him, considering I am the only girl out of his four kids)he still gives me a good ear. This is why I love him. My Dad has never yelled at me, no, never been really angry with me. Not that I'm goody-two-shoes, but every time I have ever messed up, and I mean really messed up, he is Mr. Popular for...lectures! Yeah, most of my friends always say "I'd rather just get yelled at and get it over with". Well, that has not been the case for me. When I get into trouble, such as when I have disappointed my Dad (which is probably the worst feeling in the world). He doesn't just snap at me and start yelling, he takes time to think about what I've done (making me sweat it out!) and then he will give me the lecture. I must admit, I have learned a lot of valuable lessons from his lectures. This is why I look up to my Dad so much and he will always be my number one Hero.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I have been "aging" across the U.S.A

My first official, write-about-anything-blog. I'm not sure what to write about. So I'll share something I feel is pretty interesting about my "aging"! Summer break, in my mind is the most wonderful time of the year. The weathers warm, my birthday is in July, and there's lots of vacation time. I would have loved to have birthday parties and celebrate with my friends. The thing is, when you have a family that loves to travel, you don't get a birthday party, you get a birthday vacation! My friends have always said to me "I couldn't wish you happy birthday!". I have actually enjoyed being on vacation during my birthday. Let's see, since I have been about the age of 9, I have celebrated my birthday in 8 different states, plus Canada! Turning 10 was the first time I had been out west, in Albuquerque, New Mexico for my cousins wedding. It was the transistion summer where I was moving up to Pennsylvania. My 11th birthday I would be celebrating in Virginia, taking my older brother, Max, to summer camp. The next summer, my family traveled up to Toronto, Canada. I spent my 12th birthday at a Blue Rays game in downtown Toronto. For the celebration of my teen years, I spent it on the Jersey shore in Ocean City, New Jersey. Then for my 14th birthday, we took two weeks to travel out west to see the Grand Canyan, Four Corners, Las Vegas, and many other places. The last stop was to visit my oldest brother, Jason, in San Diego, California. My 14th birthday I spent the day at Legoland, California! The following year, we traveled down the East Coast and stopped in Gatlinburg, Tennesse for my 15th and got a behind the scenes tour at Ripley's Believe it Or Not Aquarium. Sweet 16, I wish I could say I had a huge party like on MTV, but no it was back out west to Pheonix, Arizona! Last summer, I turned 17 and spent it with my dad, brother and kelsey at Inner Harbor at the Baltimore Aquarium. Finally, this past July, I was finally home in Pennsylvania, and went to the National Zoo in Washington D.C. with my Boyfriend. The celebration of my birthday in all these cool places would definietly be my crowning glory. I wonder where I will be "aging" next year...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Should Colleges Teach?

Reading Stanley Fish's article, I really agree with him. There has got to be more courses solely devoted to composition, writing, grammar etc. All this other nonsense, which I can honestly say I blame many administrators, should might as well be classes that are labeled as "time wasting". Having good, well constructed, clean English habits is a must and should be the hottest trend, so why not catch on? Listen to Fish, the man clearly knows what he is talking about, as do instructors. Fish, along with many teachers, instructors, professors, etc. are the ones in the classrooms working with students and grading the papers. Yet who makes up these bogus credit requirements and classes that don't focus on one clean topic. The guidelines for teaching certain material should be a bit more strict, let the teachers make up the rules and guidelines. It angers me to think about all these people that make up the guidelines who don't even teach, interact, or physically see what is being taught. "Teach the subject matter and don't adulterate it with substitutes". (ACTA). Teach what is needed to be taught is exactly right, why would I want to sit in an English class and learn about things other than English. I want to take classes that will help me in my major. I don't want to look back and say what did I need that class for? For example, Algebra, I have always despised mathematics. I'm thinking about a career that would focus more on writing/thinking, anything English related actually, for instance Human Resources. Why would I need Algebra? So why am I forced to take it. Why should people care if I am bad at math when you won't be needing me or my math skills to, for example, solve the Nation's debt? So WHY am I forced to take it. It's a mess to me and the academic plans should really be checked out immensely.