Thursday, October 1, 2009

I <3 Reading!!

I don't love reading ALL THE TIME, but I was extremely intrigued by a select few books. So I had to read this book Secret Life of the Bee's in Reading class with Miss. Veit. I actually really like it. I liked it so much I have already been done! When I first bought the book I was like "oh great this looks so boring, a book about bees". It's so much more than that though. Itt's a book that takes place back in the 1960s...around civil rights and all that stuff. Lily, the main character, lost her mom when she was just four years old. Lily is forced to live with her a-hole of a Dad, T-Ray, who she actually calls T-Ray because he is so cold hearted "daddy" just doesn't fit him at all. So anyway, an incident happens in town when her housemaid, Rosaleen, pours chew juice all over three whiteman's feet. They get picked up by the PO PO and when they arrive at the station, the three men are allowed to beat Rosaleen, with the Policeman watching! In horror, Lily watches and tries to break free, but is forced to watch this continue. After that T-Ray picks up Lily and leaves Rosaleen in the cell. Lily gets the guts to finally run away from home and rescue Rosaleen and pops her out of jail. They then travel to Tiburon, SC in search to find her mother's life story. It's a good book and I really enjoyed it I'm renting the movie tonight! It has stars in it like Dakota Fanning, Queen Latifah, Jennifer Hudson, and I'm not sure who else but get the book!!