Tuesday, December 8, 2009

it's almost over!!

Yay I think I say this on behalf of everyone when I say I am soo happy we are almost done this semester! I have had so much work to do this semester it's been crazy! I cannot wait for a nice winter break to sleep in, relax, and of course, work! I will actually like to spend more time at work during the holiday season with my residents! I work Christmas Eve and Christmas day! Only 8 hours each day thank god so I still get time with my family :) I also work New Years Eve and New Years day..so I get to spend both holidays with my residents :) haha. So anyway thank goodness it's only more week then we're free til January!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Black Friday ...

So Thursday I had to work til 11, and my friends Katie and Rosalia wanted to go to the outlets as soon as I got off work! I agreed (ugh) and met them at my house when I got off work. After I had showered I was ready to go. We drove up to the outlets and waitied in traffic....it was kinda fun though because we saw a lot of crazy people. We had to park pretty far away, and it was freeeezing. So finally we got to Coach. OMG it was ridic, we had to wait to get in the store and had to wait to look at a damn shelf of purses it was madness. I wanted a coach purse but I got so impatient from trying to even look at bags I gave up :( After Rosalia & Katie got purses we went to Polo and some jewlery stores. Then we decided to go to walmart. I got a really nice printer and that made me happy it wasn't too busy. I wanted a new digital camera, but the line was sooo long!! I was not gonna wait for that. Then we went to park city when it opened and got some make up at sephora, went to VS, BEBE, and A&F. I got some sweet stuff. Then we went all the way to Ephrata for some more shopping. I didn't get home til like 10 Friday morning and had to take my brother to basketball at 11. What a long day. I hate black friday


My boyfriend cooked dinner for my Saturday :) I was really tired from working and all that stuff and I went over to his house to be suprised with a candle lit dinner ! He made chicked, broccoli, alfredo sauce with noodles. Yum. It was pretty good I was so happy. After that he had desssert ready, chocolate covered strawberries, brownies and vanilla ice cream....makes me hungry thinking about it again lol After dinner he brought out a tiny white box...and he gave me a pretty necklace from KAY's! :) Then he took me to see New Moon(he doesn't care for Twilight so I was suprised). I loved the movie and had a perfect night with my boyfriend. Today after work he brought me beef jerky, sour patch kids and pepsi.. I love him so much haha

Thanksgiving break?

Yeah, so it wasn't really the greatest Thanksgiving break due to the fact I had homework in every class. Most of my friends got like at least a full week. Oh well I'm not complaining, I got a lot done but wished I had more down time. I worked Thanksgiving, so I didn't get to go to Philly this year to see the fam. Oh well, spending time with my residents is always fun. It's almost the end of the semester and I have tons of homework to do yet, I can't wait til Christmas break!! Hopefully these next couple of weeks fly by!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I had one scary night!

Okay, so for the past two weeks my dad has been warning me to be careful driving (since I drive everywhere!) because around this time people get crazy! Anyway, on to my story.. It was Tuesday night around 5 but it was already really dark. I was on my way to Dallastown to pick up my little brother, Ben, from basketball practice. It's about 15 minutes to get there when you take back roads and I had time to kill so I figured why not. I was driving along and I came up to an old small car that was going well below the speed limit (40) so I stayed back for a little bit to see if they would speed up or pull over knowing they had someone behind them. Well we were still driving and I was about 2 car lengths away and we were going up a gradual hill when the car started to put on the breaks? I thought is this person drunk? what the hell is going on here? So getting impatient I layed my hand on the horn and they came to a COMPLETE stop...We were at a small intersection when they had stopped and the car parked in the middle of the three way blocking me from all three directions. Confused and scared I grabbed my cell phone in case I reaaaally needed it. I had my hand on the gear ready to reverse in case something went wrong. I thought this guy was just being a total jerk until he whipped out of his car threw his cell phone in his car and came running over to my car. I was shaking like a leaf I literally had not been so scared in my life! I locked my car doors and was ready to back out when he got in my way and I would have hit him if I moved. He started yelling profanity's and his spit was on my window. This dude was literally like 6 3 easily. I was soooooooo scared. I kept yelling go away a million times I was so scared he called me all sorts of nasty names. A car was pulling up to the intersection and he went back to his car cursing the whole way. I was shaking so bad as I sped off in a different direction. I called my dad the minute I drove off. It's a shame I didn't get his plates. It was definitely the scariest experience of my life . :(

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Next Friday!

Next Friday is BLACK FRIDAY and I am so excited. Rosalia, Katie and I are going shopping! Well me and Katie got a little shopping done last Friday up near Philly, but Rosalia had to go into work at three. We're planning to get up around 4 on Friday morning to get out early.I hate hate hate crowds and Black Friday is the only day I won't complain about standing around in lines, esp if I have a good deal. I just hope I wont be TOO worn out to shop. I've been working since Thursday now and wont have a day off until Tuesday night then it's back to work 11-7 Wednesday night, Come home at 8 am Thursday morning, (Thanksgiving) then back to work at 3 on Thanksgiving! Ah, so I won't be going to Philadelphia this year to see some Kennedy's for our feast. I love the food my family makes. Hopefully the turkey we're having at work is good! Then shopping, yayyyy.

Thank You for Smoking

"Thank You for Smoking" was a pretty good film. I think Nick Naylor, the main character, really worked hard to fight for what he wants...and to pay the mortage. The argumentive parts of his role were really good and he always saw other sides to the situation. I also really liked how the MOB squad got together. Three people who are hated for what they represent were really strong. I also liked the relationship he had with his son. Naylor wanted to take him to work to show him what he does and such and taught him a lot about arguing...and the U.S. Government!